19 Jul

Sustainability policy:

Sustainable Catering Policy 2017 to 2020 Trenchers catering commits to providing a high quality catering and hospitality service. We recognise that the procurement, preparation and serving of food and drink at our branch in Castle Vale, has an impact on the environment.

 To minimise the impact that our activities have on the environment we will embed sound ethical, social and environmental practices both when procuring goods and services required for the delivery of hospitality across all of our customer sites, and when preparing and serving food and drink to our customers.

Trenchers catering seeks to provide a healthy, nutritious, culturally diverse and sustainable menu choice for our customers.

We are committed to provide fresh home cooked food and will change dishes to use the best products that the season has to offer.

We commit to operate a, Sustainability Strategy and Procurement Policy Trenchers  Catering Department will:

· Improve access to, and promote, healthy and sustainable foods o Improve the availability, and promotion, of affordable, healthy and sustainable food

o Prepare seasonal menus and increase the use of seasonal food to minimise the energy used in food production, transport and storage

o Improve animal welfare within our supply chain through the use of appropriate assurance schemes o Exclude fish species identified on the Marine Stewardship Council’s ‘fish to avoid’ list, maximise the use of fish on the MCS fish-to-eat list, and continue to serve only MSC certified fish o Actively engage with both staff and customers about their relevant environmental and social considerations of their purchases

· Ensure that sustainability is embedded within the procurement process

o Conduct purchasing audits of goods and services in order to increase and maintain usage of sustainable products, identify good practice and areas for improvement

o Ensure that sustainability specifications are included in future catering contracts and that sustainability criteria are used in awarding of the contract

o Work with suppliers to minimise negative environmental and social effects associated with the products and services that they provide o Provide guidance and relevant product information to staff to allow them to select sustainable products and services

· Use all resources, including water and energy, as efficiently as possible and reduce waste from catering processes and services

o Promote a culture of rethink, reduce, reuse and recycle

o Reduce food waste and packaging waste associated with catering and increase recycling and composting

o Monitor our utility consumption and implement actions, to reduce our carbon emissions

· Set and communicate clear quantifiable objectives and targets and ensure those targets are met and continual improvement is made

o Develop clear objectives and detailed targets to minimise the environmental and social effects associated with the products and services we purchase

o Review this Sustainable Catering Policy annually, assess whether the targets have been reached and if therefore they can be raised to ensure continual improvement and communicate this to customers

o Build responsibility for the management of this policy into the objectives of all catering staff, The Catering Department has daily responsibility for the refinement of this Policy and for the strategic implementation of the Action Plan

Robert Kincaid

UK Director  19/7/2017