08 Aug

Date: August 8, 2023

In a heartwarming display of compassion and community engagement, Trenchers Catering,  has recently contributed an impressive sum of £549.20 in monthly contributions to Todd's Welfare Society, an animal charity based in Pakistan. 

The charity is dedicated to extending a helping hand to cats and dogs in dire situations within impoverished communities, striving to uplift their health, welfare, and overall quality of life.At the core of Todd's Welfare Society's mission lies their unwavering commitment to rescuing, rehabilitating, and rehoming abandoned, injured, and mistreated cats and dogs. 

They ensure these animals receive the necessary veterinary care, shelter, and nourishment while diligently working towards finding them loving and forever homes.

Their vision is to establish a world where every animal, regardless of their circumstances, is granted access to the essential resources needed for a happy and healthy life. 

They firmly believe that every creature deserves compassion and respect, and their tireless efforts strive to make this belief a reality for as many cats and dogs as possible.

Trenchers Catering, a socially conscious enterprise, takes immense pride in making a positive impact on the community. Their Combi Premium 5 menu has garnered much praise from customers and, in a remarkable gesture, they generously donate 10% of the proceeds from this menu to Todd's Welfare Society.This beautiful alliance between Trenchers Catering and Todd's Welfare Society serves as an outstanding example of how businesses and charities can join forces to bring about meaningful change in the world. By supporting Todd's Welfare Society, Trenchers Catering not only delights their customers with delectable cuisine but also contributes to the welfare of animals in need, supporting an immensely vital cause.

In conclusion, Todd's Welfare Society stands as a beacon of hope for cats and dogs in Pakistan, thanks to their essential work, and Trenchers Catering's support stands as a shining example of businesses utilizing their success to create a positive impact. It is our heartfelt wish that more businesses will follow their lead and forge partnerships with animal charities, ultimately making a significant difference in the lives of countless animals.

If you would like to donate to Todds welfare please follow this link